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  • Bio

Katey Sears

Lead BHT

Katey is a Georgia native with a heart for people. She knew from a young age that she wanted to work in the mental health field and jumped in right after graduating high school. She is currently a full-time student at Kennesaw State University pursuing a B.S. in Psychology and hopes/plans to obtain her MSW one day. Throughout her time as lead tech, while stewarding her team toward success, she has prioritized the support and well-being of each individual client as they embark on a new journey of self-discovery. She also ensures that each client has the most fun along the way. Each day she strives to make a difference in the lives of those who walk through the doors of RTWC, as she finds that they always make a difference in hers. She feels that it is an honor to work in an environment filled with the most kindhearted staff and incredible clients.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, traveling with them as often as time allows! When at home she loves relaxing and binging a good Netflix series with her 3 cats Millie, George, and Goose!