Acceptance & Commitment Therapy in Georgia
How Does ACT Work?
Acceptance and commitment therapy—also known as ACT—is a form of behavioral therapy that encourages and empowers participants to embrace their thoughts and feelings while promoting healthy behaviors that align with the participants values. ACT might be prescribed for those suffering from symptoms brought on by depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, or anxiety.
At Red Top Wellness Center, our residential treatment program integrates ACT as a way to help patients obtain powerful tools that aid in coping with life’s challenges. This innovative and evidence-based talk therapy is conducted by a dedicated licensed therapist or psychologist—often beginning with open-ended questions that help patients process past experiences and identify emotional or cognitive patterns in a non-judgmental way.
What Is Psychological Flexibility?
Psychological flexibility describes a person's ability to accept, cope with, and adjust to challenging situations. This skill can promote positive mental health—behaving as a buffer between stressful circumstances and disadvantageous psychological outcomes. It has even been found that those with high psychological flexibility report reduced levels of depression and anxiety during potentially distressing life events.
Acceptance and commitment therapy works to increase psychological flexibility in six ways:
- Enhance acceptance of a distressing experience
- Utilize cognitive diffusion to minimize negative thoughts and corresponding behaviors
- Increase the ability to live in the present moment
- Enhance a self-as-context perspective
- Identify core values
- Commit to effective action toward reaching goals and values
At Red Top Wellness Center, we offer acceptance and commitment therapy either in combination with our other therapeutic treatments and clinical modalities—often pairing it with family therapy, group therapy, or cognitive behavioral therapy. Each aspect of your treatment is tailored to your specific condition and the severity of your symptoms—and all of our programs are delivered in the comfort and safety of our residential environment.

If you or a loved one is in need of mental health care, call us at (770) 637-7474 or fill out our contact form today.